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Gray Matters starring Heather Graham ..A+ Lesbian Movie

    So ... when we watch the Oscar Awards coming up and you relish the winners, the losers, the clothes and the looooong boring speeches ... you will not be hearing "and the best picture is ...GRAY MATTERS starring Heather Graham." Ok..I admit .. the movie isn't the best movie I ever saw ...even about lesbian relationships or coming out. But ..I can identify with the heartache portrayed of unrequited lesbian love ..and I also think that even if the script had a few lulls in it, the character acting portrayed by Graham as Gray, Bridgett Moynahan as her love interest, the guy from Ed Thomas Cavanaugh, and the sexy rich brit from the L word Rachel Shelly, the scottish crossdressing dude from the L word, as well as Molly Shannon from SNL as the most fun (straight) friend in the world ( I'd love to be like her) ....and even SISSY Spacek ...I mean...well it's just a damn shame that at least a best actress or supporting actor or actress nomination did not come from this Movie, which I saw on Starz on Demand this week. Rent it or view it or see it with a friend.

    Sam: What are you doing?
    Gray: I want to die right now. I never want to see another human being as long as I live.
    Sam: You're just coming out.
    Gray: I am never coming out of this elevator.
    Sam: This is probably the biggest revelation of your entire life. It's normal to be going nuts. It's normal.
    Gray: I don't feel normal. I'm sick and tired of everyone saying it's normal, it's typical, it's ordinary. I don't feel any of those things.
    Sam: Well how do you feel?
    Gray: Lonely.
    Sam: Why?
    Gray: Because I'm never going to be able to walk down the street, holding hands with my partner without the rest of the world giving us a look. And me never have the wedding that I once dreamed of and I may never have children. And one day when I die people will never give as much respect to my grieving lover as if she were my husband.
    Sam: Gray, it's not as if you made a choice.
    Gray: That's what terrifies me. It's so much easier to be someone else.

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