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Lesbian Website Review

    I reviewed this site for my other lesbian blog site, which is supposed to be safe for work but apparently some think not ... called The Tasteful Lesbian." (the other is lesbian kiss of the day ) Anyway ...I decided to share it here for the love of lesbian movies and lesbian tv. So just this once, I am hitting you up on two sites with the same review.
    The image is from "Loving Annabelle"

    Website Review:

    I think this is one of the best lesbian movie review sites so far to be found. A to Z indexes of both television lesbian portrayals and the movies that lesbians love....all reviewed with honesty and with detail. The wordpress blog will also give you an idea of whats good and worth your time ...especially if you are like me and just getting in to catching up on all you may have missed over the years. Check out a paragraph from the review of Gia.

    We ache for the life this beautiful woman could have had if her life hadn't intersected so painfully with Gia's, but we know she wouldn't trade those times for anything. We laugh at their first meeting where she's convinced to hesitantly discard her clothes and do a nude shoot with Gia and ends up tumbled into Gia's bed. She's really a nerdy straight girl underneath. Gia was just irresistible. We cry for the terrible way in which she is eventually cut out of Gia's life after giving so much.

    Anyone agree ? Of course you do and of course I think you will enjoy all this site has to offer including some very good images in illustration of the opinions of the "lesbian Roger Ebert" who writes for this incredible site. Veronica has immersed herself and shares all she knows and feels about lesbian film and tv and I reccomend her site wholeheartedly

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