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Joss Stone is um.... lesbian... I will say normal

    The headline I saw was that Joss Stone, the captivating singer, is thinking of changing teams ... because a relationship with a man soured. CHANGING TEAMS ..that really was the expression. I have also heard that such and such wouldn't ask out such and such because "she wasn't swinging her bat for the blue team," etc. So ..thats how it goes. is the link to the Joss Stone article with a beauitful picture that insures she will get many many offers if she is looking for a "team mate," myself included.

    In the article it says "Joss told Britain's The Times magazine: "I think I'll have to turn lesbian.

    "Every girl my age wants to be in a relationship. I haven't had one in two years and look how that ended. I only wish I had something to tell the gossip columnists."

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