I just wanted to share with the cool chicks here my newfound favoriteon TV is Chelsea Handler. She is a hilarious, ballsy bitch of a latenight talk show host who is doing things on her show "Chelsea Lately"that no other woman has ever done. There is much talk with thepanel (a more humorous and R rated version of the view)which usuallyincludes a comedian, and two others you may or may not have heardof. After that is a one on one interview with a C list celebrity,and then a comedy bit like what she has done for "Girls BehavingBadly" in the past.The bisexual and lesbian references are all over the place ..in lastnights episode alone (a repeat I think) there must have been 4-5,which include something I have never seen a talk show host on tv do,which is ask directly "are you bisexual..are you a lesbian?" with adaft sense of humor injected. Shea asked that of some actress I hadnever heard of, Bai Ling, who has the name "Bi" so that wasaddressed, and then she basically admitted she had slept withAngelina Jolie. Then Chelsea talked with Dennis Hof and BrookeTaylor of Cathouse on HBO, who have an open marriage she mocked totheir face basically while bringing out the nuances of how Brookesleeps with many women and couples on the show. Finally, Chelseawent to to a plastic surgeon for a comedy bit and got some kind oftreatment on her legs which apparently felt good to her, leading tomany flirtations and lewdish funny comments to the nurseadministering the treatment. The whole show was funny, naughty, anda tremendous guilty pleasure. Another episode she had out a vibratoron the set and when asked by an audience member how to have bettersex at home she said "replace the batteries." If you were to watch,you would see how comfortable she is just being real. So check herout..she is on E at 11:30 but I tivo her at 2:30 when it reruns.Funny Cool Chick. (and beautiful as well!)
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