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Lesbian Phone Sex is FUN(NY)

    I have noticed that my creative juices sometimes flow ..sometimes ebb. Can't, it seems, have the flow without the old ebb. So... this is a blog and should be, as has been pointed out by my closest of friends, updated least periodically.
    Lesbian Phone Sex .... I have this other name for it ... "remote realtime aural intimacy." With the right one, its a good thing ... if it involves closeness and honesty and affection.

    I guess its different for everyone ...just like any manner of "sexual preference," which as we all know, goes beyond just a preference for girls and boys. Subcatagory heaped upon subcatagory squeezed between this or that niche or desire. Some preferences come with compromises, while others are not. But your preference can start with GIRLS ... flow chart to FEM GIRLS and continue to SMART FEM GIRLS (realizing that the compromise of SMART FEM GIRLS can be swayed by the hotness of the FEM GIRL) goes on YOUNGER OR OLDER / BLONDE OR BRUNETTE / EXPERIENCED LESBIAN or SHY BI / on and on and on right ?

    In phone sex, I had a preference for someone who did not dictate or roleplay, but I believe that women are very much into that, and to each her own. I did not want to go with "ok first I do this, then im going to do this, and oh you will love it when I do that DO ME." LOL .... Slow, soft, intimacy can be just as cuddly as you want it to be, even if it does lack the skin to skin ...sometimes the bi in the closet moms have to take their intimacy where they can get it :)

    Phone sex can be funny too ...the youtube vid is an example ---enjoy :)
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